Wait, you’re expected to be working for 168 hours straight?
Wait, you’re expected to be working for 168 hours straight?
Now let’s see that beautiful, clean coal.
Right, so it’s the same but without the cancer and explosions.
Because younger people of late feel that being good is annoying but being evil is funny, and they are beginning to vote accordingly.
Because older people are scared about things they don’t understand and are becoming increasingly selfish, convinced by people who claim simple solutions for complex issues.
That’s a form of surrender, yes.
Here’s a summary of our findings: We located reporting from as far back as 2009 and 2014 that said when Elon Musk (“Elon” hereafter) was a child in South Africa in the 1980s, his father (“Errol” hereafter) at some point owned “a stake in an emerald mine” near Lake Tanganyika in Zambia, not South Africa. Beyond that, we were unable to find any evidence that showed money generated from his father’s involvement in the mine helped Elon build his wealth in North America.
I once owned a share of Microsoft, therefore I owe any success to that.
Especially since the emerald mine thing turned out to be a hoax.
Yes, but it’s more certain and not much slower.
(upvotes are to the left FYI)
Sugar addiction and convenience culture AKA laziness.
No, I was saying a lot of people talk about violence and nearly none of them do it.
You responded by saying yes they do, they protest.
The “shit” you and I both were talking about was exactly that, not protests.
You’re the one that moved the goal posts and declared me incorrect.
Great idea, cry wolf so that people who really can’t breathe are ignored.
Then I don’t understand your confusion.
My comment referring to a very specific “something” was in direct reply to someone very specifically not talking about protests.
Well then you’re supporting what I said, not proving it’s a lie.
If you fire someone you remove their ability to access bread and circus.
Less than perfectly, due to the constraints of the system they are forced to operate within.*
You are, of course, free to start up a news agency that fulfills every ideal you hold close, just know that you’ll have to have a lot of funding if you’re going to be spending as much time in court defending against libel lawsuits as you spend on reporting.
You mean remove the bread and circus? Definitely. But that’s not going to happen.
Otherwise I don’t know what you’re getting at.
I have reported you to the FBI’s Pro Life MAGA Task Force, brought to you by Carl’s Jr.
A great hit? Do you mean a hit?