Oh. Half of it doesn’t work on Linux. Which isn’t really a big deal.
Never been super into PC gaming. Couldn’t afford to get my foot in the door.
My Steam library.
One is an apartheid state. The other is an occupied victim.
How about concentration camps and black market organ trade?
“Lose track of”
They know precisely where they trafficked them.
All that money ain’t gonna steal itself.
You respond to nazis with fists, elbows, knees, knives, guns, large blunt objects, and mockery.
But never with compliance. Never.
Like everything else in this country.
The Cruelty is the Point
I was threatened with spanking once in the 9th grade.
I told the principal that it would take more than him to do it. He called my dad. Dad laughed in his face and told him to try me on. Then hung up.
I ended up with a week of ISS.
INB4: I know this sounds like a greentext. I’ve been telling this story for 20 fkin years.
BlueMAGA is a real thing. Just as crazy. Just as callous about suffering. Just as preachy.
If Biden does the right thing Trump gains a new megaphone. BIDEN ABANDONED ISRAEL, Yada Yada Yada.
By their current cold calculus the momentum Trump could gain isn’t outweighed by what Harris stands to gain from it.
It’s evil. But that’s how they think. The dead are just numbers to them.
With cratering revenue across the board, teslas arent selling, advertisers running for the hills, and govts threatening to cut off whole comtinents over this moron.
At what point does it become cost effective to replace the idiot?
That tracks.
Their favorite activity is blowing up Civilian infrastructure.
Federal money like this needs to be earmarked. Tracked. So that it’s used only to benefit the business. Not just disappear into the shareholders greedy pockets and CEO bonuses.
I’ve never even heard of a Primo’s.
Subway makes a better meatball sub than anyone. In my opinion.
It’s the only thing they do right. Imo.
Alright kids.
There’s this wonderful thing called “Jury Nullification”
That means if 1 juror refuses to convict then there is no conviction.
It is your privilege, right, and I daresay even duty to use this helpful tool when you deem it necessary. If you’re called for Jury Duty on a case. Let’s say non violent drug case. I don’t believe nonviolent drug offenses should be against the law at all except in the case of something really bad like Fentanyl. So if I was called I would refuse to convict if the defendant was there for let’s say Mary Jane.
But don’t ever say those words. Don’t allude to it. Don’t discuss it with your fellow jurors. Don’t Google it after you’ve been called. It’s your secret. But it’s a secret everyone should know if you get my meaning.
Now go forth and make the world a better place.