This poor brave man. I hope he doesn’t find himself accidentally falling out of a window now that Putin and Kim are besties now.
This poor brave man. I hope he doesn’t find himself accidentally falling out of a window now that Putin and Kim are besties now.
Thank goodness. It’s crazy how fatal falls can be for old folks. As a tall clumsy person, I think about this more than I should probably.
I had the displeasure of unholing her from my brain a couple of days ago. I don’t even remember what I was watching, I just glanced at her face and a frigid chill suddenly came over me. It was a displeasing feeling.
Hook. It’s always Hook.
Ha! Oh wow, now that’s a spicy spelling mistake! 🤌
Rambutans. They look like fluffy sea urchins but you crack that shell open and it’s soooo good. Much like leches.
I had an feeling you actually meant GenX but I just wanted to make sure. I know that GenX is often thought of as the latchkey generation. I’m on the edge of GenX/millennial.
I just see myself as apart of the “ boomerang “ generation where I’ll be worse off than my parents. Fun times.
I agree with everything you said except, im confused about the use of the term lost generation. That’s a generation born in the 1880-1900s.
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