Yeah well worth imo, him and Emma Vigeland who co hosts with him on his daily show are i credible debaters.
Yeah well worth imo, him and Emma Vigeland who co hosts with him on his daily show are i credible debaters.
Well the young lady on the Jubilee video that Sam Seder debated was quoted saying “What’s the problem with xenophobic nationalism?” And that the Trump administration although are doing things to her liking are not extreme enough for her.
So I will be sticking with the South African Ambassador on this one.
The fact you don’t feel safe to protest is by far the most poignant point for me. Unless you are prepared to protest and be loud about it to stand up for your rights and the rights of others then they have won.
Throughout the history of the US, protests have been the one mechanism the public has had to voice their displeasure of the government. From Vietnam war, march on Washington for civil rights the protests have been what was needed for change.
Authoritarianism is not going to go away quietly or peacefully. So unless you want more of what you see then I urge you to protest and be proud and loud about your objection of the current administrations actions.
Edit: I will add it’s easy for someone like me to just say all of this, because being in another country I am not the one facing this. My point I am trying to make is that protests have been a tradition in the US and one that you will need to find strength to do if you really want change to happen.
I would have preferred a harder stance from us on this tbh.
If you google Habitat for Humanity and read their mission statement then it’s obvious the real reason particularly when you get to the last past.
The best thing about all of this is the fact this was all about making America great again but in fact it will do the opposite. Tarriffs and the realisation that the US are unreliable allies is only going to drive other countries to find other markets, and the arming if they avoid US tech means production and industry booming in countries but not the US. He is going to make America realise that what they had was great before he and Leon came along.
I hope our government uses this to find more stable trading partners. I wonder if Germany, China or Japan can take up some slack in relation to the aluminium.
I don’t understand why so much death of innocent kids can then just be swept under the guise of some “god’s will” with these religions. In light of today’s advancements and studies their distrust of reality is what causes these events. To me they are monsters for not taking the steps necessary to protect their own community. I am all for people needing or wanting religion but the longer your religion clings to the past then be prepared for such events. Just a shame of all the other innocent lives that might be lost because of these actions as well.
But if another country wanted to then I am all for it. Yours Truly the Australian Arachnophobiac.
I would for any conservatives to come and answer this question for you and I.
This idiocracy phenomenon is not just limited to a specific age bracket unfortunately, although they are the most likely to fall for scams this …… whatever is happening is extending across all age groups.
Yeah, just sad honestly if that is the case. It’s pretty typical though with most conservatives I have talked with, it’s this mentality of lifting your self up by your boot straps and not really caring about others. Which to me is a solely selfish and greedy outlook for any community as a whole. The problem with this though is they forget that alot of the rights that will inevitably be stripped away was a team effort going back for decades. Same thing applies to the immigrants that are conservative and cheer on whats happening in relation to immigration except these folks will have the leopard eating their faces alot sooner.
The party for pro-life huh. Amazing how they disregard years of medical expertise, study and data to fold the narrative that fits their desired reality.
This self-ish mentality is rife and something I noticed alot more during covid. When most people during that period would not even take basic measures to help protect their own community, mind you these same people are also always the ones that decry freedom of speech and rights. The right for them to say anything and also the right to not vaccinate. But then you ask them about trans, gay rights and abortion rights then you really see who they are, because it’s just rules for me but not for thee with these people.
Then they try the it’s against my religion approach, then you ask them about those same freedoms for other religions, whoa whoa slow down there because this level of freedom only applies to Christians. Hypocrites
Not to mention the gay conservatives that have essentially voted for their own rights to be chipped away at by the far right. It’s like they are wearing blinders to their own prejudice being ushered in again after decades of progress.
It’s truly staggering the amount of cognitive dissonance, hate yet at the same time the inability to even realise that the freedoms that these people try to strip away from others are also the same freedoms that will also be stripped away from them at some point as they through their own idiocracy inch themselves further into authoritarian dictatorship.
Thats MAGA in a nutshell. Thats what we are fighting against. The massive misinformation/disinformation spewed out on social platforms and people lacking critical thinking skills has created this perfect storm of idiocracy.