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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • At some point you have to make a choice. Either grab a hose to help put out the fire and fix things or you stand on your high ground, praising yourself for how noble your intentions are as everything around you burns.

    High roading only works if your opponent has a conscience and can understand guilt. The side that is playing with matches and gasoline this whole time has shown very much that they do not have one.

    And to address your original point, yes there very much is a difference. One side is doing things for tye sake of hurt others or progressing a goal that is downright evil and tyrannical. Your doing it to protect the people they’re trying to hurt and to oppose their tyranny.

    Will it be clean? No… but anything worth fighting for has never been clean. The world isn’t just black and white. And the idea that stooping to anothers level makes you the same as them is about as binary as you can get. The world is filled with nuance and a whole range of colors that needs to be observed

  • That’s cool that Londoners all live so close to each other and have a city built around public transportation. Unfortunately as someone who lives in Texas a car really us practically mandatory. Our Urban sprawl is large and it’s not something that can or will be easily fixed even over multiple lifetimes. To give an idea of what it is like over here, the nearest grocery store is a little over 3 miles (~5 km) away from where I live. There is no bus route within a 2 mile (~3km) area of me that provides transportation to that area.

    The public transportation we do have is lacking in availability, accessibility, and coverage. and while there are ongoing efforts to update it. These updates primarily apply to the inner parts of the large cities and rarely cover the urban living areas where people actually live at. And these living areas are frequently very far away from where public transportation is available.

    The main problem is that Texas cities are just too expansive in size for public transportation to currently be effective. This isn’t even factoring in how long commutes would take to be for some people even if they where somehow magically available tomorrow.

    For example, many of my co-workers on my overnight shift live far enough away that commuting to work in a car during the dead of night on an empty highway road where they drive 75+ mph ( 120+kph) still takes them an hour or more to arrive to work daily. This is consider a common and even somewhat normal commute time and distance in Texas. If they had to take public transportation they would be looking at an over 2+ hour commute everyday at best. So that is not really a viable option for them.

    Im really happy that Europeans have more dense cities and don’t have to deal with the same problems we have. But it honestly gets tiring hearing everyone say public transportation be the solution for everything in Texas. Yes it would very much help and efforts are being made. But due to how Texas cities where laid out and planned with urban sprawl in mind multiple decades ago before even my grandfather was able to give input. We can no longer have public transportation be a viable option for a large segment of the people who live here.

    What Texas needs is both public transport AND better highway road planning, for example more exits and on ramps, more alternative routes to free up congestion on major feeder arteries. Not more lanes on the same congested routes, off ramps, feeders, etc.

    Sorry for the rant, I just fucking hate the traffic here and it’s causes have become my mini soapbox of annoyance

  • You’re probably right and it’s worth it for them to do so. But at the same time I’ve also come to realize that companies are fucking stupid.

    On multiple occasions at multiple jobs I’ve worked. I’ve watched managers implement awful policies and procedures that percentage wise increased revenue in one sector but decreased it in another by a smaller percentage. However the sector that was decreased was orders of magnitude larger than the sector that got a percebtage increase. So in reality when it came to the actual Dollar amount we actually lost a fuckton of revenue for multiple years until someone spoke up about it.

    Idk if that’s the case or not with this stuff. I’m just tired of feeling like every annoyance and detail in life is just another stupidly planned out attempt by a corp to try and manipulate another dime out of me

  • I really want to find out who these psychologists are studying to come up with these findings. Anytime the layout changes or items are placed in obtuse places that make no sense I just get pissed off. I start brisk walking and scanning the aisles faster than normal and ignoring stuff even more. A lot of times I just say screw it and leave without buying anything out of spite. Then go buy the item elsewhere. A month or so later after they move all the stuff around again, I’ll randomly find the item in the dumbest place ever, but no longer need it now.

    Like I don’t want to be shopping, I hate navigating around idiots that block entire aisles for no reason. It’s not a leasurely or fun experience. I understand why they want me to stay longer, but they don’t seem to understand that no matter how many times I look at the same stupid products my wallet and the lack of fucks I give about their stupid products far outweighs the amount of time I stare at it.

    So tired of of having my time wasted by marketing analytics that report a 1% increases if such and such stuff is done. Makes me feel like I’m trapped in an MMO with only hardcore players who optimize their builds for the smallest negligible increases. It’s exhausting

  • I’ve always countered that with the following :

    Yes, Nazi’s, the very trustworthy group that would not lie about calling themselves socialists for propoganda and popularity reasons (post ww1 German public had popular sentiment with socialist ideas). The same ones that went out of their way to then kill Jews, communists, socialists, and other individuals that believed in socialistic ideals.

    I’m also sure that the democratic peoples republic of Korea has very fair and free democratic elections!

    If they continue arguing about it after that then I know they’re a lost cause

  • Can you at least come up with better insults than security blanket?

    I think the worse part of the pandemic was realizing that anti-maskers and the like have 0 creativity or humor and just how tiresome hearing the same 4 insults over and over was. It was like having an item not scan at the register and the customer say “it must be free” for the 30th time that day… But on a national scale.

    Like you could call masks face huggers and make fun of people about to get a chest burster. You could call them stale air enthusiasts. You can call them breath checkers, mint reminders, mobile napkins. Possibilities are endless!

    But no, we gotta put up with the whole anti-mask crowd and the like not only spreading misinformation and germs. But also being so un-creative and such sheep that they can only parrot the same 4 insults on rotation. Like at least make me chuckle or smirk instead of just boring me.

    Is it really too much to ask for the anti-mask crowd and similar movements to just bring their game up a little bit above facebook mom minion level humor? I really don’t think I’m asking for much here considering crazy conspiracy people in the early 2000’s had some pretty funny zingers they’d dish out, and nearly every insult I got was unique. I miss that

  • I cant tell if people in this thread are trolls, ultra elite linux shills, or just people incapable of following simple instructions…

    Like I get it, windows bad or w/e… But to act like it takes longer than an hour or two to install it, let alone 2 whole fucking days is just asinine.

    Imagine having enough of a skill issue that it takes you 2 days to install Windows OS. The OS that idiot proofs itself by literally holding your hand on every option and walks you through itself to install.

    Im not even joking, I re-install and have installed windows the past few years multiple times on personal devices for myself and my family and friends and even do it for professional devices and servers for my job. It is brain dead easy, enough that my tech illiterate grandparents managed to re-install it before I could make the drive to meet them and do it for them… I can’t take this OP or anyone else seriously if they can manage to install a linux based OS but somehow have 2 days worth of trouble with Windows OS…