To be honest, looking at everything that is happening in the world, we have a uniary choice of being happy that fascism is sometimes slow.
I am not even remotely optimistic fornthe future
To be honest, looking at everything that is happening in the world, we have a uniary choice of being happy that fascism is sometimes slow.
I am not even remotely optimistic fornthe future
Looking at some other governmental examples, I am happy to take this drawback. I think stopping another Trump or Putin is more important than improving. It’s obviously important to do both, but if there is a choice…
It might be unpopular opinion, but I firmly believe that Inefficiencies in the bureaucracy is a good thing considering alternatives. It acts like a buffer, redundancies are in effect acting like checks and balances, and it’s way harder to break or subvert than the one without redundancy.
And money that spent on it are such a minuscule percentage of overall spendings, it worth it in the end
I work for German car manufactorer, so my opinion might be biased, but I hate this job so it might balance things.
My experience is that German cars sucks now, but every single other car sucks more.
Well, you’re describing violence inherent to the system. When people talk about cops being bad, they usually mean that cops don’t just uphold the bad law, that’s kind of given, but commit extrajudicial violence
And yet, giving arms to Ukraine is somehow a struggle.
I love Paris with all my heart. And can absolutely agree, it’s a giant tourist trap.
Believe it or not, it was way worse and it’s getting better. The horrors of even 10 years ago, man. Smoke everywhere, cigarette butts all over the place, all the surfaces are covered in yellow grime.
As far as fast food goes, it’s actually pretty good here where I live. Granted, there are better options, and sometimes way better options, but BK isn’t bad.
We support unions unless they do something we personally don’t want in which case they aren’t the real unions.
Actually, only I am the real union and only I can speak for all the plebs here.
Really, we need both. If we don’t capture, we’re fucked even if we reduce.
There is however a world where we capture so much, we can pump out as much as we want, and sadly it sounds more easy to achieve in the current hypercapitalistic environment.
And if we get rid of the hypercapitalism this conversation is moot anyway.
It absolutely does. New strains are a bit less deadly, and enough of the population is vaccinated so it’s not that terrible, but they are more contagious and they still cause lasting damage even if they don’t kill, so it’s very much a problem
What’s its advantages over Terminator? Does it have any?
Fter the first year usually they stop
After finishing Tactical Breach Wisards, I have decided to revisit the whole defenestration trilogy and now I can’t stop playing Heat Signature.
Brave isn’t a thrust-worthy company
It is a solution for underage gambling, but adult gambling is also a problem
That’s good, commendable, and necessary. But it might not be enough. I don’t think we are at the point of murder yet, but we are definitely past the point of just voting.
It already took a bunch of people “not playing the rigged game” to allow those who played to win by default. Now we’re fucked and can only mitigate the disaster, and since we can’t aggree on how anyway, we can’t do even that. The arc of the moral whatever is slow but it bends towards the destruction if civilization.