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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • I would love to see the certificate authority model become less and less important.

    “Can you write a small check to an organization we are all pretty sure isn’t outright malicious?”

    Is a surprisingly good pragmatic protection against malicious SSL certificates, I will admit.

    But there’s significant flaws with the approach - notably power dynamics and creation of large scary targets for bad actors.

    I would love to see CA acceptance move from PASS/FAIL to a dynamic risk score, that is based on my own browsing behavior (calculated solely within my browser).

    If I spend 90% of my time browsing domains at example(dot)mycorporation(dot)com, there’s a great chance that anything new signed by the same authorities can be automatically trusted.

    It would still put a lot of power in the hands of Amazon and Google, but would reduce that power in scale to the amount of services they’re actually providing to each user.

  • I’ve not worked with a marketing team where that would work, but maybe it will for some.

    I’ve never been anywhere that I thought it would work, but it ultimately did, almost everywhere.

    I’ve found it takes a few iterations, but the marketing folks in on it love being the ones who actually can reliably deliver on their promises.

    It doesn’t work for the marketers that promise whatever they please without talking to dev, but I don’t find them to be worthwhile professional allies, so I don’t sweat it.

    It doesn’t change the “massive customer will only renew if” scenario, though.

    Very true. It doesn’t help with that case, and that one does happen. I’ve had the best luck saying “we don’t do that, but we’re scrambling to add it” in that situation.