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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • You both are depressingly right. I genuinely believe if there was another referendum, it may sway more for Remain than last time, but not by that much. I reckon a good ~40% would still vote Leave so when the support for Remain is not even overwhelmingly high, it may not be worth reopening this.

    Leavers fucked us all over, that ship has sailed, nothing we can do about it in the foreseeable future. Let’s try and play the cards we’ve been dealt and improve things that way and we’ll see what happens in a few decades.

  • ML/LLMs applied sensibly is definitely not snake oil.

    Peddling ML/LLMs as AI and saying it will be the biggest paradigm shift ever seen is definitely snake oil and a lot of people just looking to capitalise on the latest fad, just like blockchain, “Big Data” or the metaverse.

    Tech companies were struggling to raise funds in the bearish market that followed the pandemic tech boom. They were desperately looking for something big and shiny to use to persuade investors into loosening their wallets, and they’ve struck gold with “AI” because it sounds so cool and it can “basically do anything”, including replacing loads of staff with bots. Investors are being very easily bamboozled by this. Of course FOMO plays a big role here too.

    I think “AI” is close to its peak of inflated expectations on the Gartner hype cycle curve below and it will take a while for people to wake up to the realisation that the “Bright AI-fuelled Future” they had been sold is nothing more than a thin wrapper around a ChatGPT API with a pretty bow on top.

  • I’m not disputing that certain super foods are just marketing but I would also say that almost no food is healthy when consumed in excess.

    “Regular consumption of coconut oil may raise cholesterol levels and is high in saturated fats”. How regular are we talking about? Every day? Every week? What amount of oil? A few ml or 3L? And what kind of cholesterol are we talking about here? The good one or the bad one?

    Coconut oil may well be a nutritious, healthy oil when eaten sensibly, just like eating nuts is very good for you but you don’t want to eat too much at once because they are very high in calories.

  • Making short-sighted decisions to obtain results quickly is just human nature.

    Fascists, populists and demagogues exploit this flaw in human nature to rise up. They promise big things using big words to masses of people who are uneducated, jaded, or both.

    Some people in Spain, like in many other countries right now (USA, Greece, Italy…) are turning to fascism because they feel squeezed dry and let down (unemployment, Covid economic hangover, inflation, etc.) by their current governments, so they run to the people sat in the opposite (or most extreme) end of the political spectrum hoping they can turn things around.

    With such a simplistic, binary mindset, coupled with a younger generation of voters who have not experienced what it’s like to live in a fascist country, it’s no wonder fascism and belligerent nationalism are gaining traction in the West. I just hope we can turn things around before more European countries follow on Hungary’s steps.

  • Strawman aside, anyone who thinks national socialism has anything to do with socialism needs to seriously educate themselves on Nazi ideology. Socialism to Hitler was nothing more than a buzzword he used to boost approval rates and votes quickly

    As soon as they came into power, the Nazis did a complete 180° and swept every single promise they had made under the rug, kicking out or straight up murdering anyone, even in their own party (e.g. Sturmabteilung), who may have genuinely believed the party’s socialist façade.

    Their socialist agenda was not the only falsehood the Nazis pushed though (surprising, I know!). The only three things the Nazis actually believed in were:

    • Hitler
    • Jews/Poles/anyone Hitler didn’t like = kill
    • Germany is entitled to take what they want from anyone because Lebensraum