Everyone these days is in a bubble. All of the things they believe in echo around inside the bubble. The other side is evil. We can’t listen to them. They have alternate facts. The politicians feed this to rile up the faithful to get more votes. Who cares if people start killing each other and storming the capital as long as they can gain power and keep it so they can get rich sucking up to their corporate overlords.
What good is life without purerile jokes?
For me it’s a matter of my mentality. I have tried to get away from the spending mentality. As soon as you get money you start thinking of ways to spend it. You should be thinking of ways to save it. I usually try to think of something that is important to me. For me I like to go out and see the world. That means buying gas. If I spend $5 on a cup of coffee that’s about 20 mi I can’t drive. As others have stated you got all these streaming media sites and stuff. If you add that all up over a years time is quite a bit of money. You should get rid of anything you don’t need. There are two ways to have more money: Make more or spend less.