They got fairly good tracking from mobile phones
They being China’s communis party who in no way, shape or form are willing to participate in any investigation that could potentially place the origin of COVID within China’s borders.
They got fairly good tracking from mobile phones
They being China’s communis party who in no way, shape or form are willing to participate in any investigation that could potentially place the origin of COVID within China’s borders.
You have anything substantial to add? Or just vomiting on the screen?
Lab leaks/accidents are fairly common. This didn’t require some malicious intent or a “perfect storm” of events to occur. There are like 1 or 2 every year, that we know of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_laboratory_biosecurity_incidents
A study investigated and saw the following from 2000 to 2021 (https://www.chathamhouse.org/laboratory-accidents-and-biocontainment-breaches/scale-problem-today):
“… identified laboratory-acquired infections in 309 individuals, documented in 94 incident reports covering 51 pathogens of varying degrees of hazard. Some of these infections were fatal, and some resulted in the spread of laboratory workers’ infections to others in the community. In addition, the researchers identified 16 incidents of pathogen escape from biocontainment facilities during the period.”
And that’s not even including all the smaller incidents which adds up to about a hundred a year.
So a lab leak is not only plausible, it’s very likely. It requires no malice or conspiracy. And Wuhan actually has a lab that was studying the COVID virus. The communist party however has already covered up, so actual evidence is hard to get.
Or… come to Canada and Europe where you’ll enjoy more appreciation, higher standard of living and not have to tip-toe around just doing your F’ing job to save lives.
I think the keyword here is “Waffen-SS” not “Latvian”. Fascists and racists come in all nationalities. The Dutch really hate nazis, but a sizeable portion of the population aided in the holocaust regardless.
It’s a common theme among religious and conservatives. Love towards their children is always conditional.
First time we had to worry about microscopic black holes. Now interdimensional biological organisms which somehow can survive in our nitrogen based atmosphere and climate temperature envelope.
It deters new customers. If a particular brand of car has a target painted on it. Either for ridicule, vandalism or destruction. Who is going to want a car like that? Besides, in terms of quality Tesla has been long surpassed by the incumbents anyway.
This. And some people just want to post in front of a crowd. So far I like Lemmy because there’s more conversation going on. And less “Look at me!” posts.
to learn a lot of things systematically: medicines (not the brand names, but the active components, because doctors where I work use components extensively)
It seems OP is aware of this.
“after a bystander broke a window with a tree branch” Ah yes, the bulletproof windows that could double as submergible windows for an unspecified amount of time at an unspecified depth.
When they stretch harder they just blame the war/immigrants/politics/weather. When there’s some slack it’s because of the company’s tireless work at improving everyone’s life. Until it’s time to stretch again.
Why more? Why add an extra layers, more complexity? Why not just ban deposits? The rental contract already covers damages caused by tenants. And it’s not like you pay a €2000 deposit, cause €10.000 worth of damage and not have to pay the additional €8000.
Maybe in the past, with cash payments and paper records. Deposits added a layer or security. But does that still hold true today? I’m sure landlords will disagree.
If the landlord believes the tenant left the property in a damaged state, they can enforce the contract. Upside is that it’s not worth it to sue for trivial shit like nail holes or greasy stove vacuums. Now the tenants are always on the backfoot, spending money to get their own money back.
Also, the earth will never be in the same place twice. So it’s not even like you can only jump increments of a solar year.
You’re not making a lot of sense. So I see no point in talking any further.
after some years plenty believed it had to do with WMD’s
No, it was very clear it was to get Iraq out of Kuwait after it invaded. Iraq wanted to gain more regional dominance and add Kuwait’s oil reserves to it’s own economy after the costly Iran-Iraq war.
you Canadians
Also not Canadian, the world is a big place
Keanu Reeve’s voice acting is pretty sub-par most of the time. And even in Phantom Liberty, especially in the beginning Female V (played by Cherami Leigh) sounded a bit off, as if she needed to find V’s voice again after how much time was in between the main game and the DLC. But other than that I have to agree, top-notch work. Made in Poland ;)
I think you need to brush up on your history. And who is “you”? I’m not even American my friend.
My on-line persona, my work persona and home persona are 3 different people. I totally understand OP
This is not an answer to either of my questions. So I’m going to assume the latter.