Theres only one response to insurance claim denials, it’s that we should all [Redacted By Admins]

Join; Sail the High Seas!

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2024

  • Yes, I’ve been flying drones across the deleware river to prank y’all. Get pranked!


    My speculation is: (this is purely a speculation)

    There was one or two drones that was flying around, possibly kids messing around, possibly military drone tests, then, with that “unidentified drone” news in mind, people just see lights in the sky from planes take off or on approach to landing and then they would look like “drones” floating, when its a fucking commercial jetliner!

    People seeing what they want to see, or are making things up for attention. I could just film a plane on a shitty phone and use the zoom camera all the way onto plane, add a bit a shaky cam effect by intentionally shaking the phone, then post on social media “OMG ALIENS!”

    Y’all think the US military let foreign drones or aliens in the airspace and not shoot it down or jam it?


  • Its December 21

    Jan 20 is US presidential inauguration

    Although I’m a Citizen, I’m not born in the US.

    I’m not white

    President-elect says “Mass Deportations”

    There has already been reports in the past of Mexican-Americans being deported despite being Citizens

    This is my face pretending everything is okay:🙃

    On top of the political climate

    My parents are shitty

    Moving out is not an option

    Tariffs are going make that even more impossible, living expenses are gonna skyrocket, living along is practically a death sentence.

    On top of that, I can’t really mantain a job due to servere depression

    Parents are opposed to medication

    So its not really my day being shitty. My life is being shitty. Therefore, every day is shitty.


  • Message to the CCP Internet Police:


    习主席 看上去好像 Winnie The Pooh


    草 泥 馬

    八九六四 天安门大屠杀

    六四运动又畀人称为六四天安门事件或者八九民运,中华人民共和国政府一般叫伊为1989年春夏之交个政治风波,欧美国家则多以天安门广场抗议(英文:Tiananmen Square Protests)来形容箇记事体。六四运动是从1989年4月开始,由大学个学生子所主导、勒北京天安门广场发起个、长达将近两个号头个学生运动,之后由于获得民众支持而引发全国性示威活动。但弗过以强硬派为主个政府高层最后决定实施戒严搭仔派遣军队进行清场。1989年6月3号夜里向到6月4号凌晨,中华人民共和国政府派遣个中国人民解放军搭阻止部队行进个民众勒嗨北京市天安门广场附近地区爆发流血冲突,最后勒勒交关人死伤搭流亡、部分军人伤亡后,示威活动宣告结束。

    Did I get them banned yet?

  • Don’t just use Tor, use VPN on top of it.

    If you use tor frequently, you’d eventually get a bad “roll of dice” on the nodes and get 3 government run nodes. Its not a matter of “if” but “when”, roll the dice enough times, and the holes in the “swiss cheese” eventually line up.

    If you are using Tor, also use a VPN along with it. It might make the traffic a little slower, but its worth it in case you get 3 NSA nodes.