To be fair they’re striking because checks notes their special treatment is ending.
To be fair they’re striking because checks notes their special treatment is ending.
I did it the other way around in uni, we got a task with no mention of it requiring recursion (even though I suppose it was somewhat well suited to it). I solved it with a double for loop and the teacher refused to accept my submission.
This was a coding class on Unix thinclients, I’ll let you guess how long ago.
3 years
edit: thx [email protected] for making the spoiler work :)
Realised my jellyfin lxc had a maxed out bootdisk yesterday, haven’t been using it for a while. Luckily I have decent backups setup so I was able to restore a backup from late January when it wasn’t filled yet. A quick library rescan and everything was up and running again.
Breaking: python now faster than assembly
Not to mention even a small delay could mess up the timing of taking the next bus/train. For not too busy routes it could mean waiting in the cold for half an hour… If that next bus has a good delay you could be there for almost an hour. (Totally not speaking from personal experience)