So people need to be bound by EULAs that they don’t click to agree?
The guy hit esc to back out and the game launched anyway. Love it or hate it, whoever screwed up, it wasn’t the verge.
So people need to be bound by EULAs that they don’t click to agree?
The guy hit esc to back out and the game launched anyway. Love it or hate it, whoever screwed up, it wasn’t the verge.
Huh, I suppose if you do support Palestine, you can’t be a DNC delegate?
As a cis male, fwiw, I personally wouldn’t even think about it if the male body was option B or 2 or whatever, but what do you think about a feminine to masculine slider? I think Elden ring did that and it seems pretty clever. After that I think there were other sliders for options such as weight or fitness or whatever.
What’s this? You USE the vehicle you’re insuring? Well that means we need to rais your premiums.
Yeah my wife loves natto. I don’t mind the taste at all, but the texture is like a mouthful of snot and I can’t get over it.
Haha. You’re right. I totally missed that. Try natto some time, though.
Huh. TIL only socialists argue from a perspective of what benefits society…
Was your citation not just another anecdote with no citation?
It’s funny to me that they even felt a need for this clause. What does the game have to do with feminism or Covid? It’s based on ancient Chinese mythology in ancient China telling a fictional story featuring Chinese mythological beings that are not real. Why would there be any reason to bring feminism or Covid into that in the first place?
It’s so weird and seems really snowflakey to me.
Putin would probably turn them right around and drop them in the middle of the Ukrainian frontlines while laughing.
Well whoever is selling meth on the street is probably very happy about having an FBI ballistics vest now.
Well, they do like their natto over there, so I’m confident they can find a way to stomach this.
Assuming a store with 9a-9p hours (every day), a 9-5 worker can shop 44 hours in a week, vs 40 they cannot.
You can’t just logic this kind of thing out mathematically because during those 44 hours people have lives to live and obligations to fulfill. Families to manage, food to prepare, appointments to attend, plus they need to sleep. Busy shopping hours are busy for a reason. Nobody wants to be stuck in a busy shopping center. They just do because that’s the time they have to do it.
Are you actually referencing a mastodon post made by one individual claiming to be a lifelong teacher as substantiated evidence to support your claim?
I’m also a lifelong teacher, and I think homework has its place.
That said, I almost never assign hw in my own classes unless students need more time with a project than I am able to provide. That said, some student are never happy when I give them a score based solely on how much (or how little) they actually participate in class vs poke about on their phones.
I’ve always believed that fiscal responsibility and interpersonal skills should be taught in schools. Add online etiquette and context interpretation to that list as well.
Also, who’s going to pay you? You’re going to school so you can learn how to make money for yourself later. If you don’t do your schoolwork, you might end up making less than others who did because you’ll be less experienced with it.
It’ll be exciting to see prices temporarily jump during the few hours the majority of working class folk have to do their shopping.
Students don’t learn by just going to class then doing nothing afterwards. Teachers give the tools, the kids need to practice them. Jesus I wish I could get paid for just going to school.
OR, just bear with me…
Call them the name they’d prefer to be called because it’s easier than making a scene and nobody actually gaf.
To ride this special car, you must agree to not open the windows.
Expectation: No? Okay, then I cannot allow you to ride this special car.
Valve: nope? Okay well get in anyway… Whaaat you opened the windows? Wtf?
Not saying the verge writer was or wasn’t behaving like an entitled child. In fact, I’m inclined to think he was, but It’s irrelevant. Valve made a goof. (Gasp!)
I could care less what valve does in response. They could blacklist the verge entirely and I probably wouldn’t even know. I just wonder if people only care because it’s valve.