I never received this survey and I fly Southwest specifically because I found their boarding process to be less of a hassle (for a single traveler who doesn’t care where they sit). The only way I could see this being beneficial is if they board people in order of assigned seat in such a way as to optimize time to seat, not the BS boarding that other airlines do to try and maximize price of fair, otherwise they will have lost the whole reason I like(d) to fly them… Their simplier, no bs, boarding process.
P.S. I really don’t get people liking to pidgen hole themselves to a specific spot for any of these things, just makes it easier to inflate the prices later
what software are you using and how is the class structured? It sounds like this might be a rotating group of students all using the same ipads? Does the school have access to some sort of storage medium that requires unique (per student) login credentials that the students could save their files to?