The only moral abortion deep state is my abortion deep state.
The only moral abortion deep state is my abortion deep state.
As George Carlin once said, “you don’t need a formal conspiracy when interests converge.”
The Heritage Foundation and the GOP have no love for Putin and he has no love for them. They all just want the same thing in regards to the EU and NATO, but they all want it for different reasons.
Trump is too stupid to be part of a major international conspiracy. He’s a useful idiot who thinks he can financially benefit from all this chaos, and that’s as deep as his thought process goes. Heritage wants the EU and NATO gone because it would give the US more leverage on the world stage, and because western Europe is a Godless Liberal society where religion is dwindling and brown people are moving in. Putin wants the EU and NATO gone because it would give Russia more leverage and make it easier to expand his borders and rebuild his glorious Russian Empire.
хет-трик or “khet trik” is a common Russian phrase, borrowed from the English “hat trick”, to describe three consecutive successes.
If you read the Bible with a purely objective mind and come away thinking God is the good guy in the story, I have some serious questions about your morality and ethics.
“The vaccination has stuff we don’t trust”
I would bet money this man could not name a single ingredient in a measles vaccine.
One of Henry Kissingers ideas.
Yep. He was an absolute monster. This quote by Anthony Bourdain always comes to mind when he gets brought up:
“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”
Wake up, babe! New Republican gun restrictions are about to drop!
I was just thinking that. I wanted to scream at my monitor “you just fucking repeated what the sign said in your statement about why you’re removing the fucking sign!”
Man I really need to get my eyes checked. I thought the title said “How do you deal with nude customers?”
I mean, my answer is the same regardless: Fuck 'em.
But yeah. I need glasses.
Sometimes it takes me forever to get these, if I ever get them at all. This one though… It immediately clicked.
Stuff like this might actually be what unravels the Trump administration. The military industrial complex is far more powerful than any of the people Orange Julius has surrounded himself with, and they will not like taking losses to appease his ego.
The techbros all support Fascism, and any kind of free expression is a roadblock for them to make it happen.
“One billion percent tariffs!” - DJT next week
I remember many years ago, there were two little girls that went missing about the same time. One was white, the other black. The little white girl just got lost and was found pretty quickly, and her story dominated the news for weeks. Meanwhile, the little black girl (I think it was in West Virginia) had been kidnapped by a sadistic couple who abused and tortured her until one night she chewed through her bindings, escaped, and trekked through the forest for days before finding help. She barely got a “missing girl found” blurb on the news. The fact that she barely got any news coverage actually became a bigger story later on than her actual kidnapping did at the time. It was infuriating.
Don’t even get me started on the missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW) phenomenon that not only gets next to zero media coverage, but also a severe lack of law enforcement attention.
They actually deserve it
You understand that Russians are just people too, right? They aren’t all a bunch of drooling savages who want to murder Ukrainians or anyone else. Not sure how you can say the Russian civilian population deserves to be punished for what their shitty government does. Have you applied that same logic to your own country and its people? Or is that just something you say about faraway places from the comfort of your own home?
Ladder Pullers.
I bet you money she doesn’t speak out against the anti-DEI policies Vance is pushing.
Was it him burning down all the churches? I totally forgot who was involved… Damn. Yeah he’s an idiot. But I still support the action.
Having been to both countries, and made friends in both countries, this whole war really hurts to see. I hate the Russian government, but the Russian people don’t deserve this any more than the Ukrainian people deserve being invaded. I can’t give an opinion on how strategically “necessary” this was in the eyes of Ukrainian military leadership, but it’s sad all the same.
Denmark: Did you say “please” even once?