Jeezus, you’re not kidding. I’ve been in the industry for more than a decade. Everything I write I make sure is covered by documentation in detail. Never know when I’ll be unavailable to address something that pops up. I get pings daily with people asking me how to do X with Y system, even on vacations. I’ve gotten into the habit of just sending them a link to the documentation that explains what they’re looking for. I get not wanting to sort through piles of documentation for a small thing, but holy hell it gets exhausting after a while. If people would even skim the manuals they’d have an idea of what and where to find stuff. Don’t know why I even bother half the time if nobody is going to read it.
I went into Interstellar completely blind when it came out. I can’t even describe how awesome it was watching that one for the first time. Easily up there on my top favorites.