“Utah now has zero reported cavities! We were right to ban fluoride.”
“Utah now has zero reported cavities! We were right to ban fluoride.”
Uh, yeah. About that last part…
Which is why, in the U.S., the rich are turning back abortion rights and access to birth control, and gutting our public education. They could, instead, work to build a country where people felt safe, and supported–healthcare, jobs with decent wages, education, etc.–but the filthy rich are psychopaths who care only about themselves, and will do nothing that costs them money, power, and control. Instead, they’ll GLADLY watch the people (people they depend, incidentally, for what good is power and control, if there’s no one to wield it over?) suffer at great levels in attempts to achieve their goals.
It takes a lot of poor people to make one filthy rich person.
No, China is Communist, it says so right in their name.
Super glad we put Trump in office so he could make Mexico pay tariffs and bring down food prices. Feels so good to be owning the libs.
/fucking sarcasm