• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I consider the ‘good enough’ level to be, if I didn’t pixel peep, I couldn’t tell the difference. The visually lossless levels were the first crf levels where I couldn’t tell a quality difference even when pixel peeping with imgsli. I also included VAMF results, which say that the quality loss levels are all the same at a pixel level.

    I know that av1, x264, and x265 all have different ways of compressing video. Obviously, the whole point of this was to get a better idea of what that actually looked like. Everything on the visually lossless section is completely indistinguishable to my eyes, and everything on the good enough section has very minor bits of compression only noticed when i’m looking for it in a still image. This does not require the same codec to compare and contrast with.

    Frankly, for anything other than real-time encoding, I don’t actually consider encoding time to be a huge deal. None of my encodes were slower than 3fps on my 5800x3d, which is plenty for running on my media server as overnight job. For real-time encoding, I would just grab a Intel Arc card, and redo the whole thing since the bitrates will be different anyways.

  • Is it $60 or less? Everytime one of these alternative boards with an assload of more features pops up, nobody bothers to mention the price. Obviously we could spend more money to get more features, that’s what spending more money does. You can’t replace something without actually offering an alternative. The pi’s biggest selling point was that it was cheaper than a steak dinner. If you dont match or beat that, you aren’t actually competing with the pi.

  • Im sorry, but, for things like games, raid isn’t really going to give you a perceivable speed increase. Most games today get the most use from the random read, where raid does best is with things like sequencial writes (large movies, etc).

    Raid0 will add to your throughput, but your seek times will still be the same regardless of how many drives you add to it.

    Here in the us, a 2tb ssd is less than 50$. Im sorry its not the same where you are at.

    I know the others suggest raid0, but since youre doing three drives im gonna suggest raid 5 instead. You don’t lose out on read performance compared to raid0, just write speeds. More importantly, one drive failing wont actually break anything.

  • The entire purpose of my inquiry is to not sit here and waste each others’ time going back and forth for hours on end over text trying to figure it out. It’s for us to be able to have a discussion and so that you can see what I’m doing as I’m doing it.

    I only post on forums because if everybody used discord and other non-searchable communication mediums, the internet would be a complete failure, or about as available as peoples secret mushroom spots. I promise you that the issues you face are not original. Everybody else who comes across this thread looking for a good place to start is going to be pissed because there’s only one or two listed, when there could have been an entire thread full of good places to start, with commentary about specific tutorials and why they suck or what parts a new person could get stuck on.

    These forums are not just for you to use as a dump to vaguepost and hope someone will spend several hours of their life cheering you on while you figure out how to do stuff. They are for everyone in the thread, and everyone who comes after while looking for similar solutions. Trying to take whatever support you end up getting away from everyone who comes after you is called pulling up the ladder after yourself, and is the exact opposite of why forums exist in the first place.

    If people had actually been rude when you asked a basic question, it would be different. But it isn’t. You’re not trying to engage with the way this forums actually works and it really shows. As far as I can see, most everyone here is trying to help. You just don’t want the great help that is being offered. You want an unpaid private tutor who will cheer you on and sometimes give you a tip to make things easier, while you avoid doing things like reading the manual, looking through tutorials, or heaven forbid, googling what aomething is.