I mean, what’s the point of having Voice of America that advocates for democracy around the world once there is no more democracy to be found in the United States?
They still have the capability to report on these things?
Idaho is, has been, and will always be a racist backwater flyover country. I have never heard anything positive coming out of that state.
Afghanistan makes sense since they were responsible for 9/11 attacks…oh, no wait, those were the Saudis. Surely, they must be on this list…right?
Lying sack of shit
“About 60% of Zambia’s 20 million people live in the Kafue River basin and depend on it in some way as a source of fishing, irrigation for agriculture and water for industry. The river supplies drinking water to about five million people, including in the capital, Lusaka.”
Well, that’s devastating. Nice going, China.
Is this some kind of sick joke?? Get fucked.
Republicans are fucking weirdos.
Well, you see before it was a random stranger, but NOW it’s a random stranger in a lab coat.
Ite takes 92,000 complaints for Spotify to enforce their own policies regarding dehumanizing content? Great work, Spotify!
Protesting works because it is visible. When done right it can create a groundswell of support from people who are usually apathetic.
Right, but I meant guarantees like becoming member of NATO.
What guarantees are those? And why are you putting them between the quote marks?
When he’s saying “we” he just means himself and his lackeys
Should have just changed Black for White. That way they can save on paint and literally have the same effect.
“we’ve tried nothing and we’re already out of ideas”
Without security guarantees, this isn’t a “peace” deal, it’s a capitulation and an invitation for future aggression from Russia.
Can we just lie to them and say we got none to spare. This, solving this “crisis.”
These poor people. What a travesty.