Cevilia (she/they/…)

38 she/her or they/them or any pronoun. Cis woman… I think. I pretend to be an elf on the Internet. I’m mostly attracted to femininity.

I use tone indicators.

Trans rights.

“Stay woke. Keep your eyes open.”


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Cloanto, the company that owns the rights to the Commodore Amiga line, have a legal emulator that they sell called Amiga Forever. It’s about half the price of one modern AAA game, and when you download it, it comes with about fifty games of varying notability, and there’s many times more you can just install and play. And it’s all legal.

    I would love this to be the industry norm, imagine being able to download a NES! It’s annoying that if we want future generations to be able to experience games of the past (whether to learn from them, or just for pleasure) we need to teach our children about piracy.

  • I do. I had two games on there that I haven’t been able to find since.

    • A silly game called Office DisOrders which was basically an early visual novel about busywork
    • A jigsaw game which I seem to recall is called Square Jigsaw (or something?) that had a really cool feature I haven’t seen before or since - fractal jigsaws. You could do really huge jigsaws quite easily with that, it’d break larger puzzles down into smaller jigsaw-piece-shaped puzzles, then after you’d completed each of those puzzles, you’d assemble them into the final image.

  • It doesn’t feel ready for mass adoption.

    The difficulty of finding subredditscommunities is a problem. And, when you do find one, nine times out of ten the link you click takes you to a different Lemmy server, from which you cannot join the community.

    And then there’s the problem of fragmentation and duplication, which has been explained better by other users on this thread.

    There are lots of little problems here and there, like the language defaulting to “Undetermined” which hides your post from everyone who just naively selected English.

    Fortunately, I’m (reasonably) technically-competent so I can make it work for me, and I recognise that even getting this far with development is a massive achievement. But I’m pretty sure the average internet user isn’t going to stick around until the project’s a bit more polished and mature.