I hadn’t flown since right before quarantine dropped in the US, and flew United once last year. I was already thinking I’d stick to driving
I hadn’t flown since right before quarantine dropped in the US, and flew United once last year. I was already thinking I’d stick to driving
If only it was that easy…
Only Swedish backdoor I want is…
Chronic pain and non-typical sensory needs will pretty much forever keep me from marching or protesting. That and the number of times I’ve been “disrupted” or “inconvenienced” because “that’s the point of protest and if you don’t get that then you’re clearly part of the problem”, only to have nothing change in the long run after said protest, I’m not willing to put my limited physical and mental resources on the line for “maybes” and “hopefullys”.
Or maybe it’s because we’re sick of assassin’s creed n², you numpty. Go seek to confirm your biases elsewhere
Precisely my thoughts
The Dead Cells devs have been putting in work on their multiplayer rogue lite Windblown, which is super fun. Hades 2 is in a great spot and will keep getting better Risk of Rain (1+2) both fantastic
But for really obscure and interesting mechanics and a true rogue like experience: Noita. It’s pixel graphics but every foreground pixel is simulated and there are a craft huge number of interactions between substances and spells. There’s deep lore that you have to be very dedicated to decipher. There’s an actual alchemy system that changes depending on map seed. Oh, and it’s really hard.
Remember kids, if you see the guy who shot and killed the UCH CEO with named bullets: no you didn’t.
Trading liver damage for COPD. Wcgw
Fluoride in the water didn’t anyone’s teeth. But your point remains valid I think