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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Sounds like a one sided arrangement that’s only good for you and not for the cohesion of the group. What’s the actual problem with connecting to/socialising with people?

    I get that it’s annoying sometimes, and it’s fine to have limits. But you’re working in a place where other people are working, some people need socialising just like you need space. It’s give and take. You’re just asking for special treatment because you’re introverted?

    Sorry but the excuse that it’s ‘just work’ is bullshit. You have responsibility, you’re an adult, different people different needs, be accommodating to get accommodation.

  • That’s a very shortsighted view of religion. People two thousand years ago were extremely religious and lgbtq friendly, etc. Most religious people are vaxxed. I mean the things you attribute ro religion is shortsighted, obviously so.

    You’re looking at a small subsection of the world during a small subsection of time. It’s not applicable to religion as a whole and why people are religious. People are obviously not becoming religious in order to be antivax anti lgbtq, etc, etc. The reason is obviously not found there.

    And no, we can not contextualize the human condition through rational thought. Humans aren’t just rational, we don’t just act rationally. We have irrational feelings, emotions and thoughts. So it’s literally impossible, in a literal sense. This is basic logic.

  • Because there is no downside. I mean, the only thing that atheist think is appealing is that they can reason themselves out of religion. What makes you think that ‘reasoning yourself out of religion’ is attractive, desirable or a worthy goal? It just isn’t. It leads to existential crisis in most if not all cases. And then atheist take pride in surviving that crisis. Which, sure, admirable… But attractive? Of course not.

    You can be religious and do anything in the world. Literally. I know that atheist love to focus on dumb fucks and literalists, and on how religions are being abused. But the truth is that religion is deeply personal and peoples relation with religion is completely their own. It’s extremely simple to pick and choose from the myriad of options within religion. Most religious people are not literalists.

    And then you get connection with people, see them regularly, participate in rituals, celebration days, rules for engagement with life.

    Plus, don’t forget, an extremely old and mystic piece of human history. The attempts of people to live in a world that has a God. Their struggles, their victories. In essence a reflection on the human condition. And you get to be part of that. Atheist are often too fast to explain religion as a sort of ‘failed science’, while it’s absolutely not. And of course if you can’t figure that out you’re going to ask why people want to believe in something like that.

    There will never be a rational reason for the human condition. Religion will never ever not be part of humanity. As the only way in which the human condition can be contextualised is in a world that is created, and religions are the keepers of that knowledge.

  • Life is fucking amazing. The intricacy of it all is just so incredibly deep, a neverending pool of knowledge and mysteries to explore. And then there also is a thing called creativity. The absolutely stunning, interesting, weird, crazy, lovely stuff around us is an endless adventure. And on top of that there is love, being able to care and support others is deeply rewarding.

    I absolutely do not fear death and do not care about pain. I really just enjoy it here, so i avoid it as best i can. I eat healthy, active lifestyle, taking care of my psychological needs. I hope to live for another 100 years!

  • Hello.

    Remember that veganism is an ethical way of living affordable and available to everyone*. Eating and using animal products is a choice, therefore killing and abusing animals is a choice. Stop abusing immigrants to butcher animals for your taste buds, thanks. Stop falling for obvious propaganda and cheap lies by the agricultural industrial complex, thanks. This is still a message of love despite the fact that this makes you feel dissonance in yourself, you’re human, we get it. Do your best, actually try, the world needs us to be kind to animals and nature.

    *as far as is possible and practicable.

  • Nobody’s mentioning this but the reason is that when they say ‘next big thing’ what they mean is ‘being able to monetize it and make it profitable’.

    They care about usefulness only insofar as its a way to monetize it. It doesn’t need to be useful at all. It’s maybe a nice buzzword for on the PowerPoint slide when they’re trying to convince investors.

    But investors aren’t idiots and they are usually pretty fucking tuned in to whatever they put money on. And ai is very oversold and overpromised. It’s not that great, very difficult to get to do what you want, and very costly to operate, with mostly questionable/untrustworthy results that still require a lot of knowledge to be able to work with. Plus it’s begging for a lot of new legislation to protect copyrights and privacy law. So, we need a bunch of idiots with money to make this work and those are usually in the large tech companies (think the bezos and musks of this world). They have the infrastructure and resources to put into it, and then they try to incorporate it into their ecosystem. They’ll probably fuck everything up forever and probably make it so llm’s and other models are going to have to be destroyed to be able to comply to legislation.

    Anyone with a brain stays away from investing in this and maybe hedge it a bit. See what happens… I don’t think that there’s going to be other companies popping up in this space. But just the continuing progress of big tech streamlining their current systems until enough people are exposed to enough bullshit to change legislation. Depending on that, maybe some companies will be able to give us something useful like: An ai personal assistant that figured out in the middle of a conversation to put the appointment you made in the agenda, ordered a seat in the restaurant and reroutes you to a gasstation because you’re low on fuel and messages your spouse you’re 5 minutes late because of it. While your privacy is protected and your data secure.

    In the meantime we can make pictures of cats in space wearing a clown costume.