I really enjoyed it, although I do wish it wasn’t so “draw the rest of the owl”.
I really enjoyed it, although I do wish it wasn’t so “draw the rest of the owl”.
We get a tax free allowance of £12,570 annually, and then it’s banded from there: Income from £12571 to £14876 is taxed at 19% Income from £14877 to £26562 is taxed at 20% From £26523 to £43662 is taxed at 21% From £43663 to £75000 it’s 42% £75001 to £125140 it’s 45% And anything north of that is 48%
This is calculated on income after any deductions from pay are made, like national insurance contributions, pension scheme payment, salary sacrifice schemes, student loan repayments and so on.
The ideal scenario is that we get good old Gay Space Communism™ but until then it’s probably going to be mutual aid and community organisation that keep the rest of us semi-functioning.
In the UK we don’t pay any vat on “essential” goods. And we have a raft of tax relief for lower earners.
Not that it helps much, but it’s better than a poke in the eye.
How old are you? I’m mid 30s and grew up with stone for human weight, and kg for everything else.
LBs never (except baking from old recipe books), and pints for beer only.
I never know where the cutoff is for us lot.
The used to be - I had a flat that used an old style fused breaker. Fun times trying to replace a fuse when it had blown…
I feel this way about most love recordings of podcasts (or anything for that matter, with the exception of standup comedy) - if I wanted live episodes I’d go see them live.
My phone service provider used to do daily roulette type giveaways.
I won a free return flight to basically anywhere in Europe.
I actually never did anything with it, because at the time I couldn’t afford to pay for someone else to go with me (I would have gone with my partner).
I regret not just flying on my own, but them’s the rubs - I was, and am, a bit of an idiot.
I also once won a game key by making a funny YouTube comment on a Unit Lost video once too - but I never used that either; it wasn’t a game I was interested in, I just liked to watch the vids for a bit of a laugh.
I don’t win much, but when I do I squander my wins.
I’m 35. The older I’ve got the more I’ve understood about the world and the more left wing I’ve become.
The best part is it all started because as a religious child I got into red letter stuff, and took “love thy neighbour” to heart.
Elderly women use this one trick to make friends!
Only if their mothers were as well