In Germany we call these misheard lyrics “Agathe Bauer Songs” (misheard “I got the power”), it happens mostly when some lyrics in english songs sound like a german sentence or name.
All the leaves are brown - Anneliese Braun (name)
I got the power - Agathe Bauer (name)
At the gates - Hey, wie geht’s (Hey, how are you?)
I believe in miracles - Alle lieben Mirco (Everybody loves Mirco)
a deep shade of blue - Dickschädel Blues (Thickheaded blues)
the phone rings - da vorne links (ahead on the left)
hope of deliverance - Hau auf die Leberwurst (smack the liver-sausage)
all my feelings grow - Oma fiel ins Klo (grandma fell into the toilet)
Zombie - Zahnweh (Tooth-ache)
the word is out - du blöde sau (you stupid pig)
Dirty Diana - da geht der Gärtner (there walks the gardener)
I’ll be gone - Almighurt (german joghurt brand)
Your love is like bad medicine - your love is like Bettnässen (bed wetting)
I cut and i spear - da kackt 'n Eisbär (a polar bear is shitting there)
the pain is deep - der Penisdieb (the penis-thief)
In Germany we call these misheard lyrics “Agathe Bauer Songs” (misheard “I got the power”), it happens mostly when some lyrics in english songs sound like a german sentence or name.
edit: found this:
Some of those are really funny 🤣
They are called Mondegreens in English, after Sylvia Wright wrote an essay about how she misheard “laid him on the green,” as Lady Mondegreen.