If history is anything to go by, this will probably set off a wave of terrorist attacks from the disillusioned rabid dogs Europe and the US armed, trained, and whipped up into a frenzy in Azov, Right Sector, Bratstvo, Kraken, Third Assault…
Your parents or grandparents cheered on the Mujahideen as well, once.
Will there be insurgencies in the former Ukraine territory? Or has their will be crushed completely? And what of the heads of state? Will the Ukrainian government trip over one another in efforts to cast blame and avoid fallout?
I’m afraid the issues in Ukraine will continue for some time. The lives they enjoyed pre-invasion are not coming back, even if they were physically unharmed.
If NATO tries to get Ukraine to join, the war will be prolonged and escalated. If they don’t, then what the fuck was Ukraine holding out so long for?
NATO is stuck in between a rock and a hard place. There is no way for them to come out of this without taking a massive hit to their reputation (which would be well deserved).
This video is only further proof of this. Europe and America can only “solve” this contradiction in the tried and tested way. Choose the easiest option, loot the parties involved, massage public opinion then move on. And often these steps don’t even happen in order.
America is a shithole wrapped in Russia’s warm Siberian oil reserves.
So. Utterly. Disgusting.
Last I checked Rutte isn’t American, but I guess you’re admitting here that NATO is really just American protection racket and that Europe never actually had any sovereignty.