I’m trying setting up Linux Debian on my old pc and run it as dedicated server for some of games me and my buddies plays.
I ran into some trouble like using NoMachine and getting error 108, tried to google and all. Gave up, figure I’d come here and ask you guys. What’s good app for remote access from Window to Linux that’s simple to set up?
I’m Linux noob btw. So I’d need step by step guide.
Solved: use rustdesk
Sunshine (the server) and moonlight (the client)
So far the only reliable option for Plasma on Wayland…
If you use it as Server it likely won’t have a graphics server installed, so why not simply use SSH?
A common tool for using SSH on Windows is PuTTY.
Windows now has an SSH client built in.
Mmh, okay. Is it fully featured? If so, then this instead of PuTTY (just to reduce the amount of extra tools needed).
It is! It’s a port of OpenSSH. The server has been ported as well, but requires installation as a “Windows Feature”.
That sounds great!
I just use ssh, it seems to be built in to powershell these days
It’s OpenSSH on Windows. Nothing to do with powershell. You can use it in cmd too.
I’d use SSH, I don’t know how to set it up by heart but I do know that there’s a Windows client called putty which seems to work pretty well since it sounds like you don’t have another Linux machine to run an SSH client from.
windows also has openssh now; so you don’t have to use putty anymore, unless you really like it somehow.
I tried that PuTTY but all it did was access Linux terminal for me. I want to see desktop. So I can move mouse around and type with keyboard. I’m not tech savvy enough for controlling everything via terminal.
In Putty go to Connections->X11->Enable X11 Forwarding and then put “localhost:0” as the xdisplay location. I haven’t done it in a while but I think that’s all you need.
SSH is the answer.
Another approach would be to use WSL (windows subsystem for linux) and basically just communicate from one Linus box to another
I think you might like rustdesk
Sigh… Thank you! This finally work perfectly and so easy.
I can rest in peace now.
Seconded. Rustdesk is what I use for all my remote access stuff, doesn’t matter from what OS to what OS. The only problem I had was when I tried using it to remote into my Bazzite install, I had to OK it from the Bazzite machine, which defeated the purpose.
PuTTY or just SSH
What do you guys use for Windows to Linux remote access?
I want to see desktop
Some kind of VNC setup
I want to see desktop
Some kind of VNC setup
For a Windows user RDP is familiar and fairly high performance experience. I’m a fan xRDP for Linux desktop users accessing graphical desktop in Linux. Its not hard to set up in Linux either which is nice.
For gaming I just use Steam Remote Play and let it handle everything.
With disabled hardware decoding.
A Linux VirtualBox instance.
Can’t be bothered to work around WSL’s idiosyncrasies.
Second this, works just the same basically