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Homeschool Shooters
Imposter Syndrome
looking to steal a band name, huh? If you use it you have to let me produce your album.
Ahegao Jesus
Album cover like this with tongue
Sausage Link and the Meat Patties
Falling. Then I would have a reason to steal one of these signs.
Reject All Cookies
Justified Dick
Suck on my Presence
Dirty Urge
Jiggle Physics
Therapeutic Snoot Boops
Hardly Moist
lol Jiggle Physics is great
Nice try, ass hat
(Not a slight at the OP, that’s the band name)
Potentially Wasted
Ranglin’ Pangolins
Lethal Language Model
I’m trynna get a doom project together called LONG PIG
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Butt Truckers
Munchkin Riot
Future Band.