Bash-like scripting in shells is prevalent in operating systems but I don’t understand why, when it doesn’t have the syntax to make programming easy like other languages. What features does bash have that make it so suitable for shells? Why even new operating systems like Redox OS choose a very similar syntax over a completely different programming language?
I upvoted because fuck microsoft but i was very surprised at how easy it was to script in ps. Outputs are formatted similarly and you can quite easily have exactly the info you want ,how you want, while in bash its a lot more loose. That comes with the open source territory though.
That’s about why I don’t like it. Commands are too verbose and specific.
This, powershell is pretty nice albeit verbose and TTY in Windows suck and slow (haven’t scripted in PS since 4 years ago so not sure about current state of affairs). Python is my de-facto shell now if I want to do anything shell related.
PS is still slow AF