I’d think, for someone who loves China so much, you’d understand the value of a social score telling you that you’re doing a bad thing. Guess you only like to listen when that score is managed by a fascist regime.
Ignorant? Do you imagine that we haven’t been exposed to exactly the same imperal core propaganda our entire lives as everyone else here? Generally speaking, we know everything that you know. The only difference is that we took the time & effort—and had the intellectual honesty—to learn more.
I feel “the only fascist regime is X” does a huge disservice to a lot of fascists around the world that are hard at work making everyone’s life crappier every single day.
And that’s without going into particulars about the identity of X.
I’d think, for someone who loves China so much, you’d understand the value of a social score telling you that you’re doing a bad thing. Guess you only like to listen when that score is managed by a fascist regime.
Tell us more about this fascist regime.
BTW, what’s the US up to at the moment? Oh right, genocide.
And what’s Canada been up to lately? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_gravesites
Nah that would be the FICO score at the USA. The only fascist regime is the USA
Works Cited: trust me bro
But he called it fascism first and loudest!!! Checkmate, A Cool Dude ™️ wins this round, fellas…
Brother, you are just willfully ignorant.
And spamming.
Ignorant? Do you imagine that we haven’t been exposed to exactly the same imperal core propaganda our entire lives as everyone else here? Generally speaking, we know everything that you know. The only difference is that we took the time & effort—and had the intellectual honesty—to learn more.
I feel “the only fascist regime is X” does a huge disservice to a lot of fascists around the world that are hard at work making everyone’s life crappier every single day.
And that’s without going into particulars about the identity of X.