[email protected] kindly commented that wifi network names of you and your neighbour can be used to locate your address, so please be aware to avoid betraying your privacy. Peace!
From Auntie Donna’s Big 'ol House of Fun, “pretty fly for a WiFi”
“pretty fly for a wifi” is super common, I see it all the time.
Definitely predates aunty donna
Had one named “FBI Surveillance Van #3”. I know, not so creative even 10-years ago, but read on.
Guy at the end of the street sold weed. He was telling my neighbor to be on the lookout, there was an FBI van cruising around. Being at the end of the street, my signal faded in and out like it was moving. Dude was freaked the fuck out.
One of my older ones was “WeDontHaveWifi” because people would say “what’s your wifi?” and we would tell them that and sometimes they would say “ohh, ok” and not ask for the password, haha. Password, incidentally, was “whatPassword?”