I don’t care if anyone has a Xiaomi, Oneplus, Samsung, etc. Each brand is using a modified version of Android, and they chose to be compatible with each other. But for example the “blue vs green bubble” drama is a thing specifically because of Apple locking their unsuspecting users into a closed ecosystem. And it sure isn’t Android’s fault for not being compatible with it.
The more power a company like this gains, the worse will it be for the whole industry.
Can you elaborate on how to use AdBlock on iPhone? Everytime I try to look it up I can only find ad block for the web browser. Last time I was told that’s all you can do, is this outdated?
Edit: you’re not just talking about using DNS right? Since that’s just the same as android.
https://adguard-dns.io/en/public-dns.html go here , expand the private dns, click ios, follow instructions to get a privateDNS config setup.
No need for buying an app
Yeah, I just installed and paid for AdGuard pro, which blocks ads on safari. Doesn’t do anything for any Google app that I install but reading news sites is much better since I did it.