enhanced motif window manager + GNUS on Debian 11.

  • pfr@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Thanks. I’m trying to get started with EMWM but am a bit confused. I’m looking for a default configuration to work from. Is ~/.emwmrc all I need or are changes to ~/.Xresources also required?

    Could you please share your config so I might learn more about setting it up?

    • Borgzilla@lemmy.caOP
      2 years ago

      My .emwmrc is the default one. Here is my Xdefaults (I don’t use Xresources):

      `!!! !!! Motif Resources: !!!

      !!! XFT font rendering: *renderTable: xft *xft.fontType: FONT_IS_XFT *xft.fontName: Liberation Sans *xft.fontSize: 10 *xft.fontStyle: Italic

      xmtoolboxrenderTable: xft xmtoolboxxft.fontType: FONT_IS_XFT xmtoolboxxft.fontName: Liberation Sans xmtoolboxxft.fontSize: 10 xmtoolboxxft.fontStyle: Italic

      Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault Xft.hintstyle: hintfull Xft.hinting: 3 Xft.antialias: 1

      EmwmrenderTable: xft Emwmxft.fontType: FONT_IS_XFT EmwmfontName: Liberation Sans EmwmfontSize: 10 Emwmmenu.fontSize: 10 Emwm.fontStyle: Italic EmwmrenderTable.title.fontStyle: Bold Italic EmwmmoveOpaque: true EmwmiconClick: false EmwmiconPlacement: left bottom tight EmwmiconPlacementMargin: 10 EmwmiconDecoration: label image EmwmiconImageMaximum: 50x50 EmwmclientactiveBackground: #8b7183 Emwmclientbackground: #5a555a EmwmiconactiveBackground: #8b7183 Emwmiconbackground: #5a555a Emwmfeedbackbackground: #5a555a Emwmbackground: #5a555a EmwmframeStyle: slab EmwmmoveThreshold: 1

      !!! !!! Application-specific resources: !!! !!! XClock resources: EmwmXClock.clientDecoration: border XClockforeground: #8b7183 XClockbackground: #5a555a XClockrender: true XClock*geometry: 100x100-10+10 XClock.Clock.minorColor: #5a555a XClock.Clock.hourColor: #8b7183 XClock.Clock.minuteColor: #8b7183

      !!! XTerm resources: XTermloginShell: true XTermmetaSendsEscape: true XTermforeground: #cccccc XTermbackground: #5a555a XTermallowBoldFonts: false XTermscrollBar: false XTermselectToClipboard:true XTermfaceName: Hack XTerm*faceSize: 10 Xcursor.size: 22

      XFile.variable.terminal: xterm -hold -e XFile.variable.textEditor: nedit XFile.variable.imageViewer: ximaging XFile.variable.imageEditor: gimp XFile.variable.audioPlayer: smplayer XFile.variable.videoPlayer: smplayer XFile.variable.pdfViewer: xpdf XFile.variable.webBrowser: librewolf `