For me flair is probably the most important. I follow a lot of organized sports and being able to quickly identify which team someone supports helps the conversation move along without having to write “as a fan of…” in every single comment. And this isn’t a like talking shit, sports guy thing. It’s genuinely extremely useful for broadening the depth of the conversation.

Also not having to scroll to find the reply box. Super annoying. Super easy fix.

That being said I’m all in on kbin. Deleted Reddit. Not going back.

    2 years ago

    as for now boosts and upvotes on kbin works like boost and favorite on mastodon. I think that it’s good to keep this compatibility.

    in my option if we can’t take responsibility of our action, be called by our name for them, we shouldn’t act. we need to address some privacy aspect tho, regarding external party. but between to users I welcome this transparency.