Its funny how both Reddit and Twitch announce API or policy changes that creates mass discussion within their respective communities regarding longevity and user experience. Both companies are doing shitty things for the $$$ and simultaneously creating mass exodus(es?) to other platforms.

What I find most interesting, is the announcements were made during a similar time frame and both plan to implement their changes on July 1st. I think thats pretty suspect? Almost as if a shareholder has their hand in both their pockets making a big push at once.

What are all of your thoughts on this? Im curious to hear some other perspectives!

    1 year ago

    I think it was bound to happen once they got BC funding. Honestly it’s probably for the best, as it’s like ripping a band aid off. If they hadn’t caused all of this turmoil at once, we likely wouldnt have seen such a big migration here.