What Linux distribution or distributions do you personally use?
I myself am a daily Void user. I used to use Devuan, but wanted to try rolling release and ended up loving Void!
What Linux distribution or distributions do you personally use?
I myself am a daily Void user. I used to use Devuan, but wanted to try rolling release and ended up loving Void!
.i la .varik. cu pilno ko’a goi vu’oi la’oi .Slackware. je la’oi .Debian. je la’oi .Ubuntu. .i ku’i la’oi .OpenBSD. mleca ko’a le ka ce’u selxei la .varik.
VARIK uses Slackware, Debian, and Ubuntu. But the extent (of that VARIK hates Slackware), the extent (of that VARIK hates Debian), and the extent (of that VARIK hates Ubuntu) exceed the extent of that VARIK hates OpenBSD.