update: we have a pretty good idea of what we’ll add to start, probably tomorrow. i’m unpinning this post and beginning to reply to posts in here with specifics. thank you for your suggestions to this point

no promises on any specific additions from me or the other mods, but now is a good time to gauge this.[1] for reference, our current 18 non-support communities are:[2]

  • Chat
  • Creative
  • Do It Yourself
  • Entertainment
  • Environment
  • Feminism
  • Finance
  • Free and Open Source Software
  • Gaming
  • Humanities
  • LGBTQ+
  • Music
  • News
  • Politics
  • Science
  • Space
  • Sports
  • Technology

try to be a little broad in your suggestions–this is still a site of just 1,000 people, so it simply can’t be as granular as reddit–but it’s fine if your suggestion is a specific subset of an already existing community or overlaps with one. Space and FOSS are some obvious examples of already existing overlap, and those communities work fine.

  1. and even if we don’t add a suggestion in the immediate term, knowing that there’s interest makes it easier to do so later ↩︎

  2. these communities can always be found at this link (or under the “communities” button), if you weren’t aware ↩︎

  • 108beads@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Would really like to see (broadly phrased) “disability, caregiver & elder support.” I’m a brand new Reddit refugee, still wrapping my head around Beehaw, Lemmy, federation.

    On Reddit, I have been active on a cluster of subs which have been of great significance in my coping ability. My partner of 26 years has been dx’d with Alzheimers. It’s been a wild ride.

    I don’t think anyone over there is even aware of the go-dark campaign, or the impending July 1 Apocalypse. We’re all more focused on the IRL issues, and not the platform where we discuss these issues. At least, I don’t see any mention on the subs themselves.

    If and when things get rough on Reddit, there will be a number of folks wondering wtf, and feeling very frustrated if this lifeline disappears for reasons they cannot fathom. Perhaps we could invite mods to port over or start afresh on Behaw, and to invite subscribers (some of whom are not tecchy in the least) to follow. I can supply a list of reddits I’d like to see join.

    Thank you for considering.