The /r/videos mods are going all out and someone made this lovely graphic to explain why subs are going dark next week.

While I’d love to have my users on Lemmy, I also hope that this actually does something for Reddit and they reverse course on their planed changes.

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    Yes that was my meaning, it is less about Reddit dying and more about alternatives growing.

    I browsed a little bit last night (getting my last uses from Apollo) and it does seem like more unengaged users are catching on that this will kill bots. The DeepRockGalactic sub is up in arms about losing their mascot bot.

    • Pēteris Krišjānis
      311 months ago

      @setsneedtofeed @Kichae so much this. I nutshell, it is important to attract as many people as possible that find Fediverse as idea attractive in first place. There is no point of having millions who do not care about platform.