Figured we’d start this community off with a question about what you’re running in your homelab!

This could be anything from hardware to software to things your running in the cloud (#cloudlab).

Hardware and diagram pics are always welcome!

  • moonleay
    1 year ago

    yeah, though I have a weird network. I have to route the traffic through a VPN n’ stuff. It’ll be interesting that’s for sure.

    • @jaxOPMA
      11 year ago

      Oh, from a VPS or something? Is your exit IP NAT’d?

      • moonleay
        21 year ago

        Yes. I only have a IPv6 endpoint at home. I share my IPv4 endpoint with the neighborhood. I have a endpoint in a Kubernetes cluster of a friend and one in a VPS. I am using the Kubernetes endpoint currently, but I have to get the VPS working sometime. I am still quite the beginner >.>

        • @jaxOPMA
          21 year ago

          I have a bit of experience setting up VPSes for that using wireguard. Feel free to message me if you need help setting it up!