I’m looking to delve into the fediverse. I use Lemmy and mastodon already. I want to go deeper into the fediverse. Where do I go next?

  • @jaxA
    011 months ago

    Does it make sense to host your own Pixelfed instance (like I’m doing with Mastodon and Lemmy currently)? I occasionally do some photography and having a place to post my images to replace my current site would be nice.

    • Stardenver
      111 months ago

      If you want to selfhost in general and/or to have control over your content, yes. If you want to explore photos and find new content you are probably better off joining one of the bigger communities.

      • @jaxA
        11 months ago

        Ah, so similar to the issues with finding content on a single user Mastodon instance :(

        I think the biggest leap forward for the Fediverse would be making content more discoverable. Just not sure how that would be done.

        The other problem for a single user instance would be that anything you post is basically shouting into the void unless people follow you. At least with Lemmy you can post to other instances/communities.

        • Stardenver
          211 months ago

          Actually that’s not a problem on mastodon, as you can always add some relays and automatically fill up your federation timeline.

          • @jaxA
            111 months ago

            Ah, right. I’d set up some relays already, but I didn’t realize that it also shared your public posts with other instances subscribed to the relay.