China was briefly an observer state to Warsaw Pact and then pretty quickly completely withdrew.
After sino-sovet split in the early 60s Sino-soviet relations did not really normalize until Gorbachev.
China was briefly an observer state to Warsaw Pact and then pretty quickly completely withdrew.
After sino-sovet split in the early 60s Sino-soviet relations did not really normalize until Gorbachev.
doesn’t Chinese have pronouns though?
她 she 他 he 它 it
or am I missing something ?
when measuring centuries a bit of give and take is fine.
It was after all a protracted team effort of subjugation and well, by today’s standards, genocide.
Most nations would be a bit butt hurt about it or at the very least work to prevent it from happening again.
China opened up long before the soviet union collapsed. that’s just wrong.
like 20 years wrong. You really need to do some reading chief.
it’s a thing and kind of rough
Common sense would dictate that we look into the cause of the pandemic. But I totally get the fear of the pointless propaganda war that would have probably come out of it.
It’s beyond belief at this point how much the western press will bend any story about China into China bad.
There’s like a 15% tariff on imported cars (from memory), they’re definitely over priced there and always have been. There’s foreign brands thar aren’t imported, ie produced locally. For a while GM Shanghai was making a fuck load of cars there but its slowly been tapering off. My CN Telsa was bit cheaper than the same one in the US. But I couldn’t tell you that it’s apples for apples, sometimes the local model of something is cheaper because it’s made of cheaper stuff.
The bigger issue for big city china when buying a car is the plates. If its an ICE the cost of getting plates can be 100x that of a EV. Regardless of where it’s made.
As for stuffing products in a friendly customer or by some kind of stupid regulation is not common but happens. There is a complex web of incestuous company ownership and an equally complex web of influence and indirect ownership by the government. If someone needs to hit their numbers real bad it’s possible they’ll ask / insist / regulate that another company buys up to help make it happen. There are a few laws that are supposed to prevent it, but if nobody complains then probably nobody investigates.
I’ve seen this happen a few times with stuff much cheaper than diggers.