I didn’t think “Dems got beaten pretty bad in the election” was open to mean all elections.
I didn’t think “Dems got beaten pretty bad in the election” was open to mean all elections.
They weren’t beaten badly, it was barely a 1.5% margin. Electoral votes….different story. But even then, this illustrates that a few more votes in key states would have had a drastically different outcome.
Yea this stinks of someone’s palms not getting greased enough.
Having just replayed DA2, Anders is a poor example. It’s written (or at least the player choice tree) was so light that just including him in the party meant you had to grapple with acceptance or rejection to just move the story along. With the other characters there are at least two separate flirt checks that need to be met beforehand.
I will say, moving into Inquisition, I am disappointed they ratcheted back so much on player choice. They did so well with DA2 it almost feels like they just listened to the loudest feedback.
Sorry, I meant to say for your current phone. Otherwise you’ll have some sort of road block if the carrier sees your current phone as locked. I had that issue with Sprint years ago.
You can verify by going to Settings->General->About.
Towards the bottom there should be “Carrier Lock” and it should say/list “No SIM Restrictions”.
If it doesn’t, you’ll need to call your provider to have them unlock the phone.
Generally Keynote is held on a Tuesday, preorders open Friday morning the same week. Phones then ship the following week.
Wolfenstein 3D or Doom. It’s hard to think which I played first. Probably Doom.
Is that why I can find some brands in Colorado and not in Michigan? Or are there just really that many brands?
Not OP but Under Armor sells your shit instantly in my experience. I’ve got the same setup and just turn the address off after I get my order. I must have got forwarded 2-3 spam things a day before I killed it.
Soft plaque forms like the other comment said from bacteria excrement.
It then hardens and becomes impossible for a regular brush to get rid of within 24ish hours. It’s why you should get regular cleanings and brush twice a day. And floss.
And it was from 2003. So he’s been taking this shit forever and not reporting it.
It’s going to make heavy based melee builds much less annoying.
T-Mobile never intended to use Sprints infrastructure. They wanted the rights to their 5g midrange spectrum. As a previous sprint user, post acquisition I lost signal everywhere in my county because t mobile isn’t there. Had to switch to Verizon as AT&T had zero coverage too.
The coverage maps say there is coverage, but there isn’t. Hell, even Verizon is spotty there but it’s better than it was on the other two.
Yea that was Jeremy Clarksons advert.
Scale for these is sometimes hard to give in pictures. Their use case is also important, as generally, you’re not typing a novel with these.
According to my iPhones privacy viewer it’s almost worse than Facebook.
Definitely heat, and a design to handle it. Ford has an issue with some Mach-E’s that the power junction would weld itself shut if you used the DC fast charger and floored the car shortly after. Once that happened it bricks the car and you gotta replace the part.
They also don’t seem to have many standards either. Specs and reviews I’ve seen seem to jump generations within a few months. I think my favorite ridiculous spec was the ability to use two fast chargers (one on either side of the car since it has two plugs) to pump some 300 miles in 5-10 minutes. It’s wild to read about the stuff they’re doing.
I agree. I certainly felt the outcome was going to be much different.