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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • TBF to fight a government that went rogue in our time you’ll need a whole lot more than knowing how to shoot a rifle.

    Field medicine. Chemistry. How to build underground shelters against airstrikes. How to make mortars and mortar shots in garage with commonly available tooling. Using FPV drones, of course. Using (and possibly making) AT shots. Maybe simple (Katyusha-level) artillery manufacturing. Making mines.

    That’s just some of the manufacturing knowledge you’ll need, it’s much more.

    Communications - something easy to get wrong.

    Then - tactics and teamwork, of course. It’s a lot to learn and requires lots of training.

    Logistics. Something which doesn’t seem as hard as the rest, while in fact the hardest.

    And I’m just mentioning things, one can write a book for every one of them.

  • They are free to interpret it this way just as you are your way.

    It would be weird for a new polity, result of a winning rebellion against lawful government, and definitely against its laws (some people think one can rebel not breaking any laws, apparently, claiming there are legal and illegal rebellions), to not have this in mind frankly.

    And from the context of the second amendment we know that back then it was interpreted exactly as a militia that can fight against federal military.

    One can argue in theory that this doesn’t mean individual gun rights, just that states should have their own armies (national guard). One can’t argue that it’s not intended for rebellion, because it very openly was.