Meme would be more accurate to say European social democratic. .
Meme would be more accurate to say European social democratic. .
Speak up, call your government reps. Your apathy is what they are counting on to avoid change
People talking about Fuji but not whether they hiked at night or day. Hiked 10pm roughly to try and summit just before dawn. So amazingly epic. By about 90 percent up just tons of shooting stars and the Milky Way so vivid. Clear night in early autumn near the end of the season.
Ran out of beans and my partner brought home Blue Bottle beans and I had very low expectations given the bag was from a big box store. Sacrilege. But actually the cappuccino I made tasted pretty close to their taste in store so I’m impressed at the consistency.
I mean, I did. Highly recommend. Spoiler alert almost all the non-USA people places a multinational company would offer to post you don’t have guns