Spaghetti or any other long ones. Annoying to eat.
Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.
I say unpopular things but never something I know to be untrue. Always open to hear good-faith counter arguments. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.
Spaghetti or any other long ones. Annoying to eat.
Okay, well, how is it that Americans aren’t ready to hear them not understanding something?
How is you not understanding that the fault of the Americans?
I can tell you 100 stories of telling a man to eat more so that they wouldn’t be so skinny.
I don’t think it’s sexist. It’s just rude, no matter who you’re asking. I’d equate it to someone asking me to dress differently as if it’s my job to please them.
Turns out that he didn’t die after all so none.
Standard Notes. It’s like Google Keep but without Google.
If I need to remember something I either take a note or add it to my calendar. Otherwise I wont.
Time travel to the future is possible if you travel fast enough. For example, traveling to the nearest galaxy at near-light speed wouldn’t take long for you, though it would take significantly longer for those observing you from Earth.
As for traveling to the past, I imagine it might involve the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics, where every possible event that can happen does happen in a separate timeline. In this view, you wouldn’t be “changing” the past but rather experiencing an alternate version of it.
I don’t believe in free will, so I’m not concerned about the idea of altering the future by changing the past. If you traveled back in time and killed Hitler, it wouldn’t affect this timeline’s future; instead, you’d simply enter a timeline where that event occurred. The future of your original timeline would remain unchanged.
Spotify is the only streaming service I’ve ever paid for and few months back I even canceled that.
How do you separate the two? The fact that it persists in nature for hundreds of years is what makes it bad. I don’t mind someone throwing banana peels into a forest.
Littering is one of those things I struggle the most to understand.
I can somewhat grasp it in extreme cases, like when you’re dealing with something really dirty and there’s nowhere to put it. But I’m talking about casual littering - things like throwing candy wrappers on the ground when you could just as easily put them in your pocket.
I don’t think anyone sees themselves as a bad person. Even when we engage in bad behavior, we usually have some story we tell ourselves to justify it. But I can’t put myself in the mindset of someone who casually throws trash on the ground for someone else to clean up. It’s kind of like walking around and cussing at random people - it just doesn’t make any sense. You have to know that you’re the problem.
Nah, I poop when I wake up, then second time after having my coffee and third time before leaving.
Speak for yourself. I’ve pooped three times before I’m even out of the house.
It dies down when people stop posting but every post there receives replies.
One of my 30+ year old forever-alone friends always makes a complete clown of himself when he’s drunk and there’s women around. He thinks he’s funny and good singer but he’s not. Just extremely cringe to be around. On several occasions I have told him while sober that alcohol makes him a completely different person but he doesn’t seem to get the hint.
Because it’s among the few communities I miss from Reddit.
I’m not educated enough on the subject to have a strong opinion myself, but none of the professional opinion-havers whose judgment I trust seem to think DEI programs are a good thing so, I tend to believe there’s probably a reason so many are against them, and it’s likely more nuanced than the knee-jerk reaction of labeling dissenters as bigots.
Interesting. I’m not sure how it’s different where I’m from. I’ve always just imagined that walking into a Nissan dealership is equivalent to walking into an Apple store.
Though on the other hand I only buy +10 year old cars so it’s not really something that concerns me so I haven’t put much thought into it.
I agree about the car salesmen though. They’re professional bullshitters.
I don’t see what’s elitist or racist about it. It’s just an observation of how things are. I’m not advocating for anything here.
Yay murder