You have a point there…
No, a monkey.
And not actually, no, the lyrics have an entirely different meaning. The monkey in the song is him under the influence of drugs.
But why double ban them… they’re already covered with the no nudity rule.
Funny story actually… you know that Robbie Williams song Me And My Monkey? Well, all that, but switch the monkey with a penguin.
IDK, you tell me.
Yep, not what I thought it meant…
Bill? Was that you?
Please, just… don’t make this harder than it already is 😭.
Put them in the front seat 🤦…
Not many of those where I live unfortunately.
Oh, what the hell, doesn’t make a difference at this point.
We’ve never been so close to wiping ourselves out in history as we are now…
Agree on the part that we need to show how broken it is by breaking it even more. That is something that is viable as an option and might work if given enough time and people push towards it… which I think they will, since it’s fairly easy and they might even profit from it… a good idea 👍.
I think it will take a world war that changes the maps forever to happen any other way, which i think would be worse for too many people who wont survive. If this was in ukraine hasnt already shown us
This is what eventually needs to happen IMO. I stopped saying this because people called me crazy, but a true clean slate is exactly this. A few million left alive, everyone else gone… unfortunately, if we even have a chance to wake up and realize what we need to survive as a species, is exactly this and nothing else. Yes, I agree, a lot of collateral damage, which could have been avoided, but god knows the signs were there… people were warned, nature warned us, everyone did… we didn’t listen… let’s just hope the new world order will eventually put an emphasis on values that we now see as weakness in people.
Why not… it’s not like I’m marrying her on the first date.
You didn’t read the cash cows part, did you…
You’re not doing work around the house.
Follow me for more insightful thoughts 👍.
No, apparently, just using Linux MIGHT be a red flag…
But, on the other hand, some people also say that Linux nerds are cash cows, so they can’t be that bad I suppose 🤷.
Completely agree.
But, if I do accept an arrangement where I’m the cash cow, you better be all that I listed above.
No, it can’t be dismantled and it won’t, no one will allow it. Not corps or people… especially now since we can clearly see right winged individuals and parties all over the world rise to power.
The solution is to wipe the slate clean, start from scratch, make an economy where the core values are nature and how we are tied to it, i.e. the basics are, if it doesn’t do good, neither do we. I’m not a green piece advocate or anything like that. I’m just pointing out the facts - WE NEED IT TO SURVIVE! Thus, it has to be our no.1 priority, everything else is secondary.
My 2 cents…
No it doesn’t. Apparently, you can. You just have to be a nerd, make a ton of money, use Linux and hit it off with someone that agrees to live with you.
And I’m already in therapy… not doing much good unfortunately.
Yep, unrealistic expectations.
Or “you need a 12th gen i7 to run this thing”… the thing is a glorified Avidemux.