As a nurse, I can tell you what my first thought was, but no (also walnut would be a terrible material for that).
A coffee measuring bowl and a spray bottle for spraying water on your coffee beans, which reduces the static cling that can cause a mess when you’re grinding your own coffee.
how in tf
James Hoffmann has a ceramic one and he’s pretty popular so it’s fair that someone might recognize a wooden one :)
edit: his is from loveramics
I think James uses this- KNODOS Bean Dosing Bowl and RDT Spray.
I have a ceramic one :)
Do you notice a substantial difference? I boil Gatorade to make tea.
Yeah, just a single little spritz really cuts down on the static noticeably, so I can keep everything a lot cleaner without having to actually wipe everything down every time I make coffee
As a coffee nerd, that was way too easy 😅
Spritzing your beans helps reduce the static charge, and you end up with way less retention in the grinder! I love mine haha
Google’s AI image search brought the product up instantly for me.
yes but some people are honorable and I do my best to assume that of my participants
I’m sorry if that came off as accusing anyone of cheating. It wasn’t my intent.
I enjoy your game and like watching people guess. I have no intention of ruining that by cheating myself either.
Wow spot on
a spray bottle for spraying water on your coffee beans, which reduces the static cling that can cause a mess when you’re grinding your own coffee
This is a great idea! How does it work? Do you most the whole beans pre-grind? Do you need to let them sit for a bit or just go straight to grinding?
Measure the beans, spritz them, maybe shake them around a little to distribute the water, put in grinder. No need to wait. It should be a miniscule amount of water, you don’t want your grinder gears to rust.
Am I doing something wrong if I do not have this issue? When I grind the beans there appears to be enough… I guess it is fats, in the beans that makes the ground beans quite easy to handle. May like quality of beans or grinder play a role?
No, it’s not a universal requirement nor is it particularly determined by the quality of your beans/grinder. Some very expensive grinders have anti-static mechanisms and better grinders typically have less static cling and retention. It’s also not so much about handling the grounds as it is about preventing small amounts of grounds from clinging to the inside of the grinder or your dosing cup.
Thanks very much! Will try this out the next time I grind. I like in the Midwest and we have cold/dry winters. Static makes for a messy grinding experience.
I don’t drink coffee at all, so I was completely mystified.
Coffee dosage tray with a water sprayer (wetting the beans helps to stick the grounds together, so they are easier to distribute and don’t stick to the housing of the grinder, which otherwise happens due to electrostatics).
what is wrong with you people. yes, but seriously. how do people just know these things?
A lot of people are really into coffee.
What is coffee?
What isn’t coffee.
…apart from most things, I guess.
I’m binge watching James Hoffmann. Easy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I shall ask you a question then o’ wise sage: what possible advantage could there be to this thing being shaped like a damn bedpan???
That’s just to pour them into a quite narrow funnel, not all grinders have a large volume. Take the Hario for example, the opening is just about 1 inch wide:
A wide container allows for the water spray to hit the beans evenly, and the spout helps funnel them into the narrower opening of the grinder after having sprayed the beans.
I know these things but don’t have either. I don’t single dose (just weigh the grind output) and the static isn’t that bad in Florida so I have never had a need. People however know these things because popular coffee youtubers talk about it constantly.
Some grinders are particularly prone to static cling, my Fellow Ode v1 is terrible about it even in Florida
The coffee people in the comments reminded me of this classic:
Immediate upvote.
Oh thank god a whatisthisthing community that allows jokes unlike those buttplugs on reddit.
Its a buttplug for the mods on r/whatisthisthing, they each get one with their star sign bedazzled on it and it sings a song when they ban someone for posting jokes.
tbh even as far as jokes go this is barely a joke given that it’s still a genuine challenge and even as a joke it’s still a fairly clean one (at least in the sexual sense)
Simply the spirit of a joke in the comment is enough to ban someone, and its understandable. Reddit is a very serious place for very serious important discussions, such as the story about the box, or that kid that broke both his arms, or that guy with two dongs. There’s a time and place for everything, like this thing all the way up the r/whatusthisthing’s mod team’s anuses for all of time.
I also choose this guy’s dead platform
I mean… Everything’s a buttplug if you try hard enough.
my guess was actually going to be “bedpan” but idk how much my nurse background plays into that
I don’t think wood is the most suitable material, but in an emergency…
Bedpan was the first thing I thought of too, even before I saw your comment. I’m not a nurse, but I’ve had to deal with them with loved ones, and that tends to burn something into your brain. 😬
Yeah, that’s why I’m here on lemmy now. Reddit mods have made it no fun.
Same, made a random joke then they banned me and told me I had to apologize to be unbanned 🤣
I told them their subs content was not interesting enough to justify such a stupid rule and unsubbed lol
I got banned there for suggesting people say “thonks” and “thunks” every time their aggressive SOLVEDbot responded to any post containing the word “thanks” with “HEY HAVE YOU CONSIDERED MARKING THIS THREAD SOLVED YOU COMPLETE MORON” (90% of the time the post was “thanks, but here is why that is not correct”).
Admittedly I was being impish about it, but I was pointing out a need and their response was “hey fuck you”.how dare people be polite, lol
No idea.
Some kind of standardized perfume-smelling apparatus?
A tiny barf bucket?
A novelty soup bowl?
Edit: I was not close.
My coffee ritual has started getting super complicated, but if James Hoffman tells me I need to do my pour over with two kettles at once in order to reduce acidity, I’ll do it.
I’m waiting for the day that he just says “I made all of this up!” 14 minute French press tastes like 3 minute French press.
I’ve signed my own death warrant.
To be fair, taste wise those are about the same. The point of Hoffman’s super long French Press is to reduce silt in the cup, which his method does significantly.
Gravity does work over time, yeah. 😉 I find it is a pedantic difference, at least for me.
Yeah, one of the key insights is that the extraction plateaus after a relatively short time and you won’t ever “over-steep” it, which is counterintuitive at least to me
Praise James!
On topic though, I get consistently less acidic coffee by using an aeropress (inversion method) rather than a V60 or other pourover.
As a nurse, I can tell you what my first thought was
Please do!
I’m guessing a bedpan…
For ants? Those things hold around 30 grams of coffee at most.
there’s no banana for scale
That’s a valid argument, you’re right.
Those things normally are the size of a small sauce dish. We use them to measure small amounts of coffee beans to make a single or a double shot of espresso (I’m measuring 18 grams for a double). The sprayer is the size of a small lighter. Measuring individual portions enables us to change beans in between and prevents a large stash to degrade in contract with oxygen.
We’re admittedly a big over the top, but it’s a fun hobby and makes some really tasty cups on top.
Tbh I’ve never seen greater or more intricate feats of engineering than those inspired by the consumption of habit-forming substances. As a psych nurse I encourage you to thank whatever you believe causes the world to turn for the things you are addicted to that are legal.
All my addictions are legal, that’s nice. And I’m not addicted to much besides coffee. Although, as my washing machine broke down two weeks ago, I showed some clear signs of withdrawal. It got harder and harder to keep up hygiene. I was stressed. I was really looking forward for my next fix…
That’s clearly a hand craved bespoke walnut nut washing bowl.