Connor Gaydos, a man connected with a satirical project on the relaunch of the energy company Enron, was hit in the face with a pie in New York City on Thursday. A video of the moment surfaced where the 28-year-old is seen entering a building in New York City before a person threw a pie at his face. The video quickly went viral on social media., US News News - Times Now
I keep saying this- you cannot assassinate your way into companies putting people over profits. They’re legally required to do the opposite.
UHC rates will continue to rise and they will continue to deny people. CEOs are just as replaceable as every other employee in a corporation.
So you might as well throw pies in their faces and laugh at them because this is not how you solve systemic issues.
And I assume a bunch of you will be pissed off at me for saying so again, but you’ll be in for a rude awakening when your insurance premium goes up and Trump decides to bring back denying for pre-existing conditions.
Purely performative. Got it.
The UK has a long tradition of pieing awful politicians - and guess what? It gets a laugh and memable pictures, but changes nothing.
UHC CEO gets assassinated. Policies unchanged.
I keep saying this- you cannot assassinate your way into companies putting people over profits. They’re legally required to do the opposite.
UHC rates will continue to rise and they will continue to deny people. CEOs are just as replaceable as every other employee in a corporation.
So you might as well throw pies in their faces and laugh at them because this is not how you solve systemic issues.
And I assume a bunch of you will be pissed off at me for saying so again, but you’ll be in for a rude awakening when your insurance premium goes up and Trump decides to bring back denying for pre-existing conditions.