Meanwhile congress is slap fighting over who gets to kill the poor
Blame their constituencies.
80% of Democrats support a ceasefire.
Why don’t 80% of Democratic politicians?
Because they know they can get elected without opposing Israel.
Which goes back to their constituency.
Well when their choices on the ballot are to support Israel or support Israel, what is the constituency supposed to do?
Why are their choices only to support Israel?
What about it?
Edit: He just downvoted me without an answer, so we can safely assume he has no real argument.
It is the fault of the constituency. People can run for office while opposing Israel, but voters have been brainwashed into thinking otherwise.
Bernie should have won.
Fuck everyone who voted for Hillary in the primary to guarantee a trump presidency.
It was less that and more the Democratic Party completely rigging the election, and committing election fraud, in plain sight for the primaries.
I didn’t see any election fraud. Can you explain how the fraud worked?
They destroyed the Iowa caucus.
That was 2020 though.
About time.
Hes been pushing for it for months if not decades.
He was last heard opposing a ceasefire.
Are you sure you’re remembering right?
Yeah you’re right, this is consistent with his previous position. Supporting calls for a ceasefire would be better and I’m still disappointed he doesn’t, but this is still good.
But if Biden can just ignore congressional oversight, what will this do? Can someone sue to enforce oversight?
He’s currently behind the mango Mussolini in the polls and, other than “at least I’m not the other guy” being a much less effective strategy for an incumbent than a challenger no matter how awful the challenger is, this is the main reason.
Biden may be a corrupt right wing reactionary, but he’s not enough of a fool that he’s not beginning to realize the fact that he probably has to change course on this or run a very high risk of losing the last fair and open US presidential election.
I’m voting for Trump just to piss off biden supporters.
If they have a problem with me doing that, they can nominate someone who represents my interests.
I’m gonna wear a big shirt if Trump wins that says, “I voted for Trump because democrats nominated Biden.”
I can’t bring myself to vote for the guy that’s probably going to put me in a camp for being trans.
Instead I’m voting for Hillary Clinton. It’s still her turn!
Better late than never I guess.
If you followed the news, you would know that he has been critical of US support of Israel this entire time.
why no call for a ceasefire?
He did AFAIK.
He still isn’t, in fact. I’d still like to see him officially change his position on a ceasefire but I’ll take defunding Israel as a compromise.
Thanks for the link, and it shows precisely that his position is very considered, difficult, and nuanced, which is as it should be on a morass like the situation in the middle east.
Being nuanced on the issue of genocide is disappointing.
Cutting funding does more to bring about a seize fire than just asking nicely
We shouldn’t ask nicely.
How’s a no-fly zone sound? Cuz if South Africa succeeds in it’s case against Israel, the UN charter compels member states (including the US) to take action to prevent genocide.
Defunding Israel is a good start, though.
If you followed the news you would know he refused to endorse the calls for a ceasefire. Very disappointing.