That’s the reason why most people drink pasteurized milk. Those who don’t will soon find out about the dangers of raw milk.
Do they even sell raw milk in stores? I assume you need to get this straight from a farm? And I’m a bit shocked if 4.4 percent of the US is getting their milk from farms. That’s like what ~12million people?
Most people get them from farmers’ markets. There are supposedly health advantages to it, but I’d assume this would be the case from buying from a smaller responsible farm over a corporate factory farm anyhow—regardless of whether it’s pasteurized or not.
It’s prolly got some shit they’d call pro-biotic, which will help while their gut flora are eating their corpse.
It’s in pasteurized milk as well.
And is harmless.
Source that it’s harmless?
I expect better from you, lazynooblet
Source? Have you slept in biology in school? Or don’t they teach things like that where you live?
According to the FDA it’s most likely safe but can’t be confirmed until actual tests are done.
Do they not teach proper research where you live?
“Because H5N1 has only recently been found in cattle, no studies have directly tested milk pasteurization’s ability to kill the virus, the FDA said in a statement.”
While H5N1 is new and there are no specific tests, pastereuzed milk being tested for all kinds of pathogens has quite a history. There is no reason to assume that H5N1 behaves fundamentally different from any other virus shred by the methods employed.
In the meantime, it’s definitely not the time to start drinking raw cow’s milk. While drinking raw milk is always dangerous because it carries the threat of various nasty bacterial infections, H5N1 also appears to be infectious in raw milk. And, unlike other influenza viruses, H5N1 has the potential to infect organs beyond the lungs and respiratory tract, as seen in the cats. The authors of the new study note that a 2019 consumer survey found that 4.4 percent of adults in the US consumed raw milk more than once in the previous year, suggesting more public awareness of the dangers of raw milk is necessary.
Just great.
What about cheese made from raw milk?
Stay away from the farms. Stay away from the city. Got it.
So I’m guessing the sea too