Now this is a proper shitpost
This happened with my alpacas 😁 gave them pumpkins last year, got Poopkins this year.
You have Alpacas 😲
deleted by creator
Spitting on children is a team sport
There was a reddit thread years ago about ‘you’ve just finished life beta, what advice do you have for the devs?’
My favourite comment was ‘llamas spit, like, a lot. I think it’s a bug’
Will you be doing it again this year?
or carve them up with a shank an put a light source in their gourd
But how did they grow up there?
Pumpkins are vegetable whores.
Do it again!
Os it unhealthy to eat poopkins? if not that’s a win win win
The likely hood of the poopkins being dangerous is incredibly low. And after you wash them it drops to almost nonexistent. Most issues with using poop as fertiliser comes from it being incorrectly at the wrong time.
…memes? How exactly is this a meme? Wrong community, I believe.
Infinite food exploit: Eat fruits. Poop seeds. Seeds grow into plants. Plants make more fruit. More plants more fruit. Never go hungry again.